Parent Links
This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Calendar, Schedules, Attendance, Grades, Health (Immunizations Only), Assignments, Academic Planner, Academic Progress, Fees/Payments, To Do Lists, Reports, District/School Notices, Cafeteria Balance, School Meals Application.
Campus Portal Mobile App
Download the app on your smartphone or tablet. Go to
Per Clark County School District (CCSD) Policy 5137 - Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, the CCSD "Say No to Bullying" Website was developed to facilitate accessibility for individuals to report incidents of bullying.
Attendance enforcement is a shared responsibility between the Clark County School District and the student’s parent or legal guardian. The parent, legal guardian, or other
person in the state of Nevada having control or charge of any student is required to send the student to school during all times that the public school is in session (NRS 392.040).
District ID: ZLSBJB
Family and Community Engagement Services